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Westfield Centers Launch the Largest Ticketless Parking Environment In London
New Hybrid Digital Car Parks Will Open At Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City Enabling Ticketless and Cashless Operations
Friday, April 9, 2021 9:42 AM - London, United Kingdom
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield announces that Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City will become the largest hybrid parking environments in the UK, launching a fully frictionless parking experience for visitors. Brought to life in partnership with HUB Parking Technology, Westfield London is now a cashless and ticketless environment for parking, supporting the additional heightened hygiene efforts in place at the centres ahead of the reopening of non-essential retail on 12th April, with Westfield Stratford City set to launch the new innovation in May.
Retail experts and industry bodies have predicted that stifled demand will lead to an initial rise in sales as shoppers return to in-person shopping.
Analyst Kantar has predicted that consumers will spend £3.9bn in the first week of reopening. In the week after non-essential retail reopened last year, commencing 22 June 2020, consumers spent £3.8bn in high street stores. With longer opening hours and growing confidence especially among older shoppers, it has predicted an even bigger surge once stores reopen on Monday.
“Based on our data and experience after previous lockdowns, we know that shoppers are excited to get back to the high street and we’re expecting pent-up demand to fuel an immediate surge in sales, Simon Quirk, business unit director at Kantar, said. Last year, footfall was driven by young people but older shoppers, now largely vaccinated, are much more eager to get back to shops this time around.
Westfield introduces safety measures for reopening
Westfield will introduce new coronavirus safety measures when its London shopping centres reopen on 12 April.
There will also be socially distanced queuing systems, manned by trained staff, and floor-spacing signage.
Westfield’s UK centres have also introduced cashless and ticketless parking in provided by Hub Parking Technology, to try to improve hygiene levels and remove high-footfall touchpoints.
A Masks for Good campaign will encourage mask wearing during visits to Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City.Fashion newsLondonretail newsRetail reopeningWestfield 2021-04-08
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