under the
Secured Precious Metals-Linked Certificates Programme
The Base Prospectus referred to below (as completed by these Final Terms) has been prepared on the basis that, except as provided in sub-paragraph (ii) below, any offer of Certificates in any Member State of the European Economic Area will be made pursuant to an exemption under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended) (the Prospectus Regulation ) from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of the Certificates. Accordingly any person making or intending to make an offer of the Certificates may only do so in:
(i) in circumstances in which no obligation arises for the Issuer or any Authorised Participant to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Regulation or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 23 of the Prospectus Regulation, in each case, in relation to such offer; or
5880827 Premium Equity Closed Ended Investment Funds GB00B02WHS05
If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact Issuer Management at the FCA on 020 7066 8352.
SEDOL numbers which are allocated by the London Stock Exchange as a Stock Exchange identifier may be found on their dealing notice.
●Denotes the security is being admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
†Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Aquis Stock Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
#Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Euronext, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
∼Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Cboe Europe, a Recognised Investment Exchange.