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  据了解,2008年出生的吴俊毅,6岁进入闫龙围棋学校,跟随闫龙老师学习围棋,仅学习围棋4个月就获得大庆段级位赛无级组冠军。随后的几年中,他先后获得省市级的多项围棋比赛冠军。2017年,以全国第3名成绩入选上海围棋少年队,其间多次获得上海中小学围棋锦标赛冠亚军。2018年,吴俊毅考入中国棋院杭州分院,至今就读中国棋院杭州分院冲段班。   “能从318名冲段的青少年选手中脱颖而出,这是对吴俊毅这么多年努力最好的回报。”闫龙表示,吴俊毅学东西很快,定力也好,而且非常刻苦,每次在学校学完棋,回家都会反复练习。   吴俊毅的母亲宋女士说,孩子从小就很喜欢棋类,学习围棋也是一次非常偶然的机会。在去景园小学报到的过程中,路过围棋学校,孩子就想上去看看,没想到一看就喜欢上了。自从学了围棋,孩子�

晚报杯 全国业余围棋锦标赛收枰 大都荟 西安晚报队入围12强

西安新闻网是西安最具知名度和影响力的门户网站,xiancn下设西安、旅游、美食、教育、房产、长安文 化、原创镜头、魅力西安、韵味西安、时政、社会、陕西、科教、文化、娱乐、体育、健身、健康专题、政务、评论、社区、视觉、人物等频 道,拥有西安人气最旺的老城根论坛社区。是西安日报、西安晚报的官方网站,每天定期发布西安最新最权威的时政新闻信息平台。向世界介绍西安,展示西安,宣传西安,推广西安

TRA union touts strike over April holiday

Strikes at Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) stations in northeastern Taiwan might affect travelers on the Tomb Sweeping Day long weekend on April 2 to April 5, the Yilan branch of the TRA labor union said on Friday. At least 200 union members would go on strike to protest the railway agency’s unilateral proposal to adjust working hours, which would lead to reduced incomes for its employees, said Wu Chun-yi (吳俊義), who heads the branch. The branch has 1,200 members, including train drivers, train conductors, technicians, maintenance workers and ticketing agents. Of them, 300 are station workers. About two-thirds of all station workers in

Taiwan Railways employees protest over reduced salaries | Taiwan News

2021/03/13 10:49 TRA train  TRA train  (CNA photo) TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Nearly 200 employees at Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) are refusing to work overtime during the upcoming Tomb Sweeping Holiday as part of a protest over reduced salaries. Speaking to CNA in a phone interview on Friday (March 12), Wu Chun-yi (吳俊義), head of the TRA Union s Yilan Branch, said workers have lost up to NT$9,000 (US$320) a month due to a new work schedule implemented by the Taiwan railway operator in August 2020. He said the change in TRA s shift system has prevented them from receiving overtime pay. According to Wu, close to 200 union members have signed up to participate in the protest and are planning to take a leave of absence between April 2-4. Since workers are not allowed to work overtime on non-holidays, they should not be asked to work overtime during the holidays, he said.

Planned TRA strike may affect Tomb Sweeping Festival traffic

Planned TRA strike may affect Tomb Sweeping Festival traffic 03/13/2021 04:28 PM A TRA train pulls into a station. CNA file photo Taipei, March 13 (CNA) Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) union members who handle station services in northeastern Taiwan are planning to strike during the April 2-5 Tomb Sweeping Festival, creating uncertainty for holiday rail traffic in the region. The strike will involve at least 200 members from the Taiwan Railway Labor Union s Yilan branch protesting the TRA s unilateral proposal to adjust work shifts in a way that would reduce their incomes, according to branch head Wu Chun-yi (吳俊義). The branch has 1,200 members, including train drivers, train conductors, technicians, maintenance workers, and ticketing agents, covering some 20 stations in northeastern Taiwan. Of them, 300 are station workers.

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