WEIRTON The Weirton Area Water Board will be performing its spring citywide water line flush this week. Crews will begin at 8 a.m. each day, continuing unt
Apr 20, 2021
WEIRTON A boil order has been issued by the Weirton Area Water Board for areas of several streets in the city’s downtown.
Affected areas include Brookeline Street, Zeta Street, the 3400 and 3500 blocks of Elm Street, Mildren Avenue and Purdy Lane, as well as any businesses or residents experiencing low or no water pressure in the area.
The order follows the repairs to a water line, today, on Zeta Street, and will be in place for a minimum of 18 hours.
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Apr 8, 2021
WEIRTON The Weirton Area Water Board has issued a boil order for the areas of North 13th Street and Marshall Street following repairs to a water line.
The line repairs began at 11 a.m. today, after which crews will flush and refill the lines. The boil order will be in place for a minimum of 18 hours.
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Apr 9, 2021
WEIRTON – The Weirton Area Water Board has issued a boil order for Link Street, Miller Avenue and Ritchie Avenue, as well as any other customers who experienced low or no water pressure in the area.
The boil order follows a water line break on Link Street this morning, and will last for a minimum of 18 hours.
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PLANS Weirton Utilities Director Butch Mastrantoni, at right, addresses members of Weirton Council Tuesday, providing an update on the city’s plans for expanding water and sanitary services. Craig Howell
WEIRTON Members of city council, earlier this week, received an update on projects which would expand water and sanitary services in Weirton, doubling the capacity at each of the city’s treatment plants.
Utilities Director Butch Mastrantoni estimated the Weirton Area Water Board and the Weirton Sanitary Board are each 50 percent complete with the planning phases for the projects, which, he said, began as a result of conversations in 2018 with an industrial company expressing interest in locating operations in Weirton.