1. Be active users of technology
Sarah Coyne, the School of Family Life associate director at BYU, shared that technology users may be categorized as active and passive users. Depending on the kind of user that one is, it can somewhat affect interaction online.
Coyne says that active users are those that interact positively. These users are liking, sharing, and uplifting others. On the other hand, passive users are those who observe and scroll.
Coyne believes that active use of technology is the healthier way to go. She said, It s important to be really mindful of your social media use and making sure that we are not just scrolling.
Photo: (Photo : BIPIN SAXENA / Unsplash)
Is it possible that your kid is just burnt out and not depressed? A parent who is sensitive to their child s feelings will spot the signs of burnout in children. When this happens, the parent can support the child and help the child get out of burnout.
Why Kids Burnout?
When kids are overload with activities and are dealing with too much stress too often, this can lead to burnout. No matter how happy they are and how much they love soccer, ballet, or whatever they are good at and enjoy doing, they can still burn out. When this happens, it can be a struggle to motivate the child to work on the things that caused the burnout.