Republican John Cox says he wants to make “big beastly changes” to the way “Pretty Boy” Gavin Newsom is running California. But his use of a Kodiak bear as a living prop at campaign events has drawn fire from an animal rights group.
Screenshot from a John Cox for Governor ad posted to
SAN DIEGO (CN) Not content with just dubbing himself the “nicest, smartest beast you’ll ever meet in California,” gubernatorial candidate John Cox brought a Kodiak bear on the campaign trial a violation of local and federal animal welfare laws, an animal rights group claims in a lawsuit filed this week.
According to Cox, he’s been “roaring through California gaining BEASTLY momentum” as Newsom’s “top challenger.”
ICYMI: John Cox roared through California gaining BEASTLY momentum as the top challenger to @GavinNewsom.
As part of his tour, Cox rides a bear-themed bus, and routinely makes comments casting himself as “Beast” to Newsom’s “Beauty.”
One beast-themed antic, however, allegedly went too far. Cox brought a 1,000-pound Kodiak bear named
Tag on a campaign stop in Shelter Island on May 11, then to San Diego the following week. Animal rights group Animal Protection and Rescue League, Inc. (“APRL”) filed a lawsuit against Cox and unnamed others earlier this week, claiming that they illegally held events “with a captive, 1000-pound bear who has been drugged and abused for this purpose.”