Fifth Party Congress: For happiness of people Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
24/01/2021 09:27 GMT+7
The Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam was held from March 27-31, 1982 in Hanoi. The Congress reviewed the victories that the Party and people have won in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland since 1975.
The fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam takes place from March 27-31, 1982 in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)
Chairman of the State Council Truong Chinh leads a delegation of the Party and State of Vietnam to visit the Soviet Union, November 4, 1982. (Photo: Archives/VNA)
The ninth National Party Congress set the direction to promote the strength of the entire nation, continue the renewal process and speed up the industrialisation and modernisation cause.
Vietnam moved up three places from 50th to 47th in the Global Soft Power Index 2021, which ranks the world’s top 60 soft power nations, according to the Brand Finance Global Soft Power Index Report. Vietnam was the only country in ASEAN to be upgraded in the global soft power rankings.
Third Party Congress: Building socialism, reunifying country Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
22/01/2021 07:30 GMT+7
The third National Party Congress took place on September 5-10, 1960 in Hanoi to review 30 years of Party leadership and put forth theoretical and practical lessons of the Vietnamese revolution under the Party’s leadership.
The 3rd National Congress of the Vietnam Workers’ Party takes place in Hanoi from September 5-10, 1960 (Photo: VNA)
Workers and people in the southern region confront US invaders in 1964. (Photo: Archives VNA)
Under the rain of bombs and bullets, soldiers, volunteers and militias build the Truong Son-Ho Chi Minh trail. The legendary trail, built from 1959 to 1975, made an important contribution to the victory of the resistance war against the US, becoming a symbol of Vietnam s