Finding It Hard To Switch Off From Social Media?
1 Gradually start to limit how much time you spend on social media each day
Pic: Shutterstock
“The key to breaking a bad habit is making sure you create a gradual transition. Going cold turkey and jumping from spending hours on Twitter and Instagram to nothing probably won’t work in the long run. Instead, make a conscious decision to reduce your social media consumption by 30 minutes each day until you reach a comfortable amount of time online.”
2 Physically remove your phone from your presence
Pic: Shutterstock
“It may sound simple, but out of sight, out of mind is a real thing. We’re so used to having our devices as an extension of us and in arm’s reach that by simply removing our phone prevents us from mindlessly checking our socials. Try putting your phone in another room when you’re watching a film or when cooking and eating a meal and dedicate yourself to just one activity at a time. Most importantly make
5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Cognitive Wellbeing
Hester Anderiesen Le Riche
Without a ‘cure’ or treatment to reverse the damage caused by diseases like dementia, people increasingly wonder – is there anything we can do to maintain cognitive wellbeing?
The good news is – there is! Despite being unable to ‘heal’ our brains, or prevent dementia from developing altogether, we can in fact delay the point at which symptoms begin. In Alzheimer’s disease (the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60-80% of cases), the first signs are short term memory loss or difficulties planning consecutive steps of an activity. These functions lie within the prefrontal cortex, which is the area of the brain where we can make a difference.