Jan 16, 2021
What is happening at nursing homes across our region is extremely heartbreaking. Since the pandemic began, our most vulnerable for contracting COVID-19 are those whose health has been compromised or the senior population.
Sadly, recent numbers are proving that once the virus enters a nursing or adult care facility, it only begins to percolate. As of last week, there had been more than 30 deaths and about 200 total cases in Warren County’s facilities. Within the last three weeks, the Chautauqua Nursing & Rehabilitation Center that is located in Chautauqua County, has reported 12 deaths and 40 cases involving patients with another 34 affecting the staff.
Nursing homes throughout Western New York are beginning to vaccinate residents and workers against Covid-19, which has has killed more than 6,000 residents of nursing homes across the state.
Pharmacists from Walgreens gave shots to 150 residents who consented at Northgate Health Care Facility in Wheatfield and to about 100 workers on Tuesday, said Dawn Harsch, a spokeswoman for the McGuire Group chain of nursing homes. So far there has been more than a 90% acceptance rate for residents, Harsch said.
The Wheatfield facility was among the first to give the shots in the region this week as nursing homes roll out the vaccine over time. Six other McGuire Group nursing homes will administer vaccinations in future weeks.Â