Tamil actor Vivek passed away at the private hospital on Saturday. He was aged 59. His untimely death has come as a shock to his fans and well-wishers.
Updated Apr 17, 2021 | 08:19 IST
In a truly tragic turn of events, Tamil actor Vivekh passed away in the morning. The actor suffered a cardiac arrest last night and breathed his last in Chennai. South actor Vivekh passes away, celebs mourn his loss 
Key Highlights
Actor Vivekh passed away at 59
He was brought to SIMS hospital in Chennai yesterday in an unconscious state after he suffered a cardiac arrest
Celebs from South Indian film industry have mourned his loss
The world of Tamil cinema was shaken to the core when the news of actor Vivek s demise broke out. The talented actor was 59 when he passed away in Chennai following a cardiac arrest. The entire south film industry is in shock following his sudden death. Celebs have taken to Twitter and other social media platforms to express their grief.
At the hospital, he underwent Emergency Coronary Angiogram followed by Angioplasty
The sudden demise of the Padma Shri actor-comedian on Saturday (April 17) sent shockwaves across the South film industry as celebs mourned his death
New Delhi: In a tragic turn of events, Tamil actor-comedian Vivekanandan or Vivekh died on Saturday (April 17, 2021). He was at 59. On Friday, the actor was admitted to SIMS hospital, Chennai after suffering from a cardiac arrest.
According to his official health bulletin released by the hospital a day back, after being admitted he underwent Emergency Coronary Angiogram followed by Angioplasty. He was in a critical condition on ECMO in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Veteran Tamil comedian Vivekh passes away
Veteran Tamil comedian Vivekh passes away
Last Updated: Sat, Apr 17th, 2021, 08:15:43hrs
Veteran Tamil actor Vivekh passed away in a Chennai hospital early on Saturday morning following a cardiac arrest. He was 59.
The actor was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Chennai hospital on Friday after he suffered a heart attack. A medical bulletin said he underwent an “emergency coronary angiogram followed by angioplasty”.
Moments after he was admitted, there were claims that his illness was linked to him receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. However, the Tamil Nadu Health Department dispelled the rumours. Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan said around 830 people were administered the vaccine at the same hospital along with Vivekh and all of them were fine.
Several prominent personalities including politicians, actors, filmmakers and music composers expressed their grief and shock over the untimely death of actor Vivek.