Socially-inclusive Responses to Climate Change Impacts on WASH - Manggarai, Flores, Indonesia, Case Study December 2020
This case study is based on applied research carried out in August 2019 by ISF-UTS and YPII in Manggarai district, Flores Island, Indonesia.
Manggarai is one of the two regions where YPII is working to deliver the WASH and Beyond – Transforming Lives in Eastern Indonesia project to improve the health, gender equality and wellbeing of Indonesian communities through inclusive and sustainable WASH. Approximately 88% of the population in Manggarai has sanitation access: one-third of the population with access shares sanitation facilities, one-third has semi-permanent improved toilets and one-third has permanent improved toilets in their homes, while 7583 (12%) is without sanitation access and households practise open defecation.