An assault case against Washington County Board of Education member David Hammond was dismissed last week at the end of a six-month period in which the parties involved agreed to
The Washington County Board of Education voted this week to send a revised $76.2 million school budget to the County Commission.
The new budget proposal, which is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, includes a 4% pay increase for all of the systemâs employees.
The background: Earlier this month, the Washington County Budget Committee asked school officials to make changes to its first version of the new budget to reflect modified state revenue projections coming from the Basic Education Program.
The changes: As a result of higher-than-projected BEP revenues, Director of Schools Jerry Boyd said the school budget is now balanced by using $4.3 million from the systemâs fund balance. The first version the budget would have used more than $5 million from reserves.
The Washington County Board of Supervisors discussed formulating how to spend the approximate $4.27 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan that was passed in March during their Tuesday meeting.
The supervisors mentioned that they have so far received exactly half of the allocation so far, which can be used in areas including responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency or its negative economic impacts, providing government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue, making necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure, providing premium pay to eligible workers of the county performing essential work during the pandemic, or providing grants to eligible employers that perform essential work.