Ivan McGuire, a 35-year-old experienced skydiver, with over 800 jumps under his belt, fell to his death at the Franklin County Sports Parachute Centre, US, after he forgot his parachute with footage capturing the haunting moment
JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (WJHL) – School officials are finding out recent annexations by cities into county land are coming with some side effects. Some of those annexations by city governments to build subdivisions within city limits are happening right next to where an existing county elementary school already exists. That means based on enrollment zoning, […]
Washington County Board of Education members met Tuesday night to discuss the possible transfer of interest income to the Washington County general fund.
After nearly 26 years, Lamar Elementary has new place for children to play. “We just wanted to take a moment to have this official start to our new playground,” Lamar