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Actually they are not the same color. You can use a simple utility that will tell you the color of a specific pixel. I ran the utility just to check, and the two tiles you speak of are actually different colors. This WOULD be true if it was a physical object. Our minds will make us think they are different colors, when in reality, they are the same. In the images you have above, the pixels are actually different colors.
By John Byne (not verified) on 06 Sep 2013 #permalink
Actually they are the same color. You can use a simple utility that will tell you the color of a specific pixel. I ran the utility just to check, and the two tiles you speak of are actually the same color. This WOULD be true if it was a physical object. Our minds will make us think they are different colors, when in reality, they are the same. In the images you have above, the pixels are actually the same color.