A solar array being proposed on a five-parcel heavily wooded area on VanBuren Road near a village of Fredonia neighborhood created some friction during the Pomfret Town Board meeting this month.
“We recognize that the east side of our project sits against a neighborhood in the village of Fredonia,” began RIC Energy Permitting Manager John Reagan. “We sent some information to the neighbors and talked to them several times. We revised our site plan and resubmitted that site plan for this month’s meeting. Essentially the changes that were made is that we eliminated about 2,600 of the modules on the eastside of the project which basically moves the set back by another 75-80 feet, so now we’ll have a setback of about 180 feet from the property line to the solar arrays.”
February 17, 2021
Some road work is being planned for in Handy Township later this year.
The Board of Trustees met virtually on Monday night where members discussed the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 road millage budgets, as well as proposed projects for the coming season. Supervisor Ed Alverson told the board for 2021 budget, itâs estimated theyâll have around $76,000 at the end of the year. However, he cautioned that additional dust control could change that number.
For the 2021/2022 projected budget, Alverson said the $76,000 was carried over. The budget includes the $90,000 estimate for work on VanBuren Road, from Nicholson to Fowlerville Roads. It also includes $103,000 for Dawn Drive. Alverson said itâs projected that there will be $14,000 as of June 30th, 2022. He noted the Livingston County Road Commission indicated the estimates were high.