WA Police want to refine hard border after state election with permanent stop-and-search powers
WedWednesday 3
WedWednesday 3
Police Commissioner Chris Dawson says the hard border has helped officers catch drug traffickers.
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Western Australia s Police Commissioner wants new legislation to give officers greater powers to stop and search vehicles at the state s border.
Key points:
Chris Dawson says police need more permanent powers to help seize drugs
He will seek support for the legislation from the new WA government With the very vigorous border control, it s actually stopped a lot of drug trafficking, he said. [Stopping] over half of the drugs that had been coming into WA, particularly meth, has resulted in 10,000 less burglaries in the past [few] months. That is half the number of burglaries that normally take place.
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Reasons why Clive Palmer s bid to tear down WA s hard border was blocked by the High Court revealed
WedWednesday 24
FebFebruary 2021 at 3:12am
WA Premier Mark McGowan has vowed the fight will go on against Queensland businessman Clive Palmer.
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Western Australia s hard border with the rest of Australia was justified to prevent a potentially catastrophic event, the High Court has found.
Key points:
Clive Palmer was ordered to pay the state s legal costs
Both sides have vowed to continue fighting each other in court
The High Court today released the reasons for its decision to allow the state s hard border, which billionaire businessman Clive Palmer unsuccessfully claimed was unconstitutional , to continue.
WA brings down border with QLD and NSW after days of no community transmission
FriFriday 22
FriFriday 22
JanJanuary 2021 at 9:53am
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Travellers from Queensland and New South Wales will be able to enter WA without an exemption from midnight on January 25.
Key points:
The Government has flagged relaxing the rules for Qld further
It s been more than a month since NSW travellers were allowed in
The WA Government has reclassified both states to low-risk jurisdictions.
WA border reopens to Victoria but G2G application still required
MonMonday 18
TueTuesday 19
WA implemented a hard border with all states in April 2020.
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Since April last year Western Australia has opened and closed its doors to the rest of the country numerous times.
Families have been kept apart and planes of eager interstate travellers have arrived in the state, only to be told they need to leave.
As WA re-opens to Victoria for the second time following a COVID-19 outbreak in Melbourne late last year, uncertainty around the border still remains.
The second fall of the hard border
WA's hard border with Victoria will fall on Monday when a controlled border will come into effect but arrivals will still have to self-quarantine for a fortnight and get a COVID-19 test.