Virginia Subcommittee on Marijuana Forms to Debate Legalization Bill
With two hearings next week, Virginia lawmakers are on a fast-track to legalize.
Published on Jan 15, 2021 2:33PM ESTVirginia
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Virginia has been on a fast-track to legalize since Governor Ralph Northam included cannabis legalization in his budget in December. During his State of the Commonwealth speech this week, Northam reiterated his support for legalization, calling specifically for legalization focused on equity and acknowledging that the criminal justice system “treats different people unfairly.”
“Marijuana is a great example,” Northam said, noting that while white and Black people use cannabis at similar rates, Black people are three and a half times more likely to be charged with a cannabis-related crime, and are almost four times as likely to be convicted. “It’s time,” he said, to “make marijuana legal and end the current system rooted in inequity. We’ve done the research
Gov. Northam s proposed legislation would make adult-use marijuana legal in 2023
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Richard Vogel/AP
In this Friday, May 8, 2020 photo shows a mature marijuana plant flowering prior to harvest under artificial lights at Loving Kindness Farms in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)
By: Arianna Herriott , Zak Dahlheimer
Posted at 7:27 PM, Jan 13, 2021
and last updated 2021-01-13 19:27:16-05
RICHMOND, Va. - Governor Northam and his administration unveiled legislation Wednesday that, if passed, would legalize marijuana for adult use in the Commonwealth.
According to the bill outline, the possession limit for the legal amount would be no more than one ounce of marijuana, which is considered the norm based on other states.