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The IRS Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division (TE/GE)
has updated its 2021 Program Letter to
announce eight new compliance initiatives. Click here for our prior coverage of the
TE/GE 2021 Program Letter. These initiatives address potential
areas of noncompliance for both small and large exempt
The eight new TE/GE compliance initiatives are:
Small Exempt Organizations that Sponsor Retirement
Plans. This strategy reviews retirement plans of
small exempt organizations to determine whether the plan
investments are properly administered, whether there are any
party-in-interest transactions in the plan trust, and whether any
IRS Reveals Retirement Plan Compliance Initiatives
The agency plans to examine worker classifications, RMDs in large DB plans and participant loans, as well as do a compliance check about partial plan termination and partial vesting, among other things.
Reported by
The IRS Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division (TE/GE) has a released a new 2021 Program Letter to update its compliance initiatives for its fiscal year.
The agency says it will continue to pursue its compliance program described in the 2020 Program Letter. The letters for both years are available on a webpage the IRS will use to share information about other initiatives at the end of each quarter during the fiscal year, as well as findings from recently completed actions.
House committee to question IRS officials on targeting – CNNby wpjljron
Friday, May 17th, 2013.House committee to question IRS officials on targeting – CNNWashington (CNN) Members of the House Ways and Means Committee will take their turn Friday questioning Internal Revenue Service officials over the targeting of conservative groups by the agency. “It seems as if there’s a culture of discrimination at the IRS, and I want to get to the bottom of it,” committee Chairman Dave […]
Washington (CNN) Members of the House Ways and Means Committee will take their turn Friday questioning Internal Revenue Service officials over the targeting of conservative groups by the agency.