After an amazing week of FriendRaiser last week and a time change to cap off the weekend, we spent the morning catching our breath and taking the time to show our appreciation.
Bill and Carmen also attended the wedding of our friend, Chef Doug. Bill shared one of Carmen s Lucy moments from the occasion.
We also learned that Drew Brees will be taking some time to catch his breath as he announced his retirement after 20 years of playing in the NFL.
Dave just had some folks out to do the annual check on his A/C unit so he was surprised to see that it wasn t working. When the repairman showed up, it took nearly 2.5 hours to correctly diagnose the issue and fix it!
Are You ‘Woke’ or Awake?
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Are You ‘Woke’ or Awake? This content is sponsored by By
It seems as though “wokeness” ideology is taking over our society with everyone from churches, to schools, to giant corporations seeing who can be the most “woke.” Generally, “woke” ideas emphasize feelings over facts, pretend that individuals determine reality for themselves (i.e. your “truth”), put a priority on affirming feelings, ideas, or behaviors rather than willing someone’s actual good, and often deny even the ability to know objective truth. Being “woke” means you have become enlightened to the alleged systemic oppression of various groups and you vow to fight for “social justice