WDIO Created: January 11, 2021 08:51 PM
Full Circle Yoga in Duluth held its “Re-re-opening” January 11th, offering in person yoga classes for the first time since mid-November.
Erik Schnackenberg opened the business in Duluth back in March 2020 after to moving to the city from Colorado.
“We’re one of the lucky small businesses that got to open here in Duluth on March 1st and then close March 14th”, Schnackenberg said with a chuckle, “And it was a shock. It was like, ‘This is not in my business plan.’”
Schnackenberg persevered throughout the pandemic, however, first hosting virtual classes from his basement, then offering socially distant in-person classes in June that required masks, and then once again focuses on his online offerings when restrictions came back in November. Looking on the bright side, he did say he felt the pandemic did force him to expand his Full Circle’s offerings.