You can follow some of the people you have heard in this episode on Twitter at @lizcarlile and @KrystynaSwider4. Follow the podcast on @IIED Voices for all the latest updates.
Indigenous knowledge, people and nature – all crucial to Kunming full transcript
Host [00:00:01]: You are listening to Make Change Happen, the podcast from the International Institute for Environment and Development, IIED. In this episode, host Liz Carlile talks with colleagues and international partners about the concept of biocultural heritage, what it means and why it will be so important in the major 2021 negotiation conferences for both climate change and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
You can follow some of the people you have heard in this episode on Twitter at @lizcarlile, @SaleemulHuq, @pbnclimate, and @Gladys H. Follow the podcast on @IIED Voices for all the latest updates.
Loss and damage – recognising the costs of climate change full transcript
Host [00:00:01]: You are listening to Make Change Happen, the podcast from IIED, the International Institute for Environment and Development. In this episode, host Liz Carlile and guests from the Solomon Islands, Bangladesh and the UK unpick the meaning of the term loss and damage and discuss its relevance and importance to the least developed countries, and how it might be addressed in the forthcoming COP26 climate negotiations.