April 15, 2021 By Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
Motorists traveling in a part of Howell Township might have to find alternate routes due to a road closure that gets underway today.
Preston Road will be closed between Marr and Allen Road through roughly 6pm next Tuesday. The project involves a road crossing for a county drain. The Livingston County Drain Commission needs to close Preston Road as part of their ongoing project. The Livingston County Road Commission advises that the closure is just south of Nancy Ann and all traffic north of Nancy Ann will need to come from Allen Road.
April 5, 2021
A flood study is being requested for Hamburg Township.
The township experiences frequent flooding along the Huron River and Ore Lake, which a letter states have resulted in more than $700,000 of municipal and private property losses since 2004. At a recent virtual special meeting, the township board approved authorizing a letter of support for a no-cost study through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It was stated that Green Oak Township is doing the same. Supervisor Pat Hohl reported theyâve been working with Ore Lake residents and held a few meetings with the Corps and the U.S Geological Service. He noted that both Hamburg and Green Oak Townshipâs spent $40,000 each and the Livingston County Drain Commission contributed $100,000 for a Flood Inundation Study for Ore Lake and the Huron River downstream of Ore Lake to Strawberry Lake that was completed in 2020.
December 16, 2020
Hartland Township officials have approved new water and sewer rates for the upcoming year.
The Hartland Township Board of Trustees approved the rates at a 5.86% increase for fiscal year 2022 at their latest meeting, held online, Tuesday night. The township is in the 7th and final year of their current rate study. Hartland Township Manager Bob West said the increase is partially due to the Livingston County Drain Commission setting rates for their sewer system. The water rates are independent of the county, handled by the township, and were adjusted to coincide. Because of sewer going through the county, those rates take effect on January 1st, with water going into effect at the beginning of the townshipâs fiscal year, which starts on April 1st.