Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - The first 4 months of us going out me and my MAN facetimed all the time. Well, lately he s ignoring or not answering my facetime more often. I love to facetime and I thought he did too. But, now he s not doing as much anymore. He says if he doesn t answer he s busy. So he just text me I m busy . Just wondering why the change????
Here is what the 432 had to say about it..
Tessa Rowell
Vanessa C. Narvaiz
Clingy much?? It’s gets old after awhile, not to mention that person may not always have the free time to just answer.
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - Guys, Am I going to regret this? Last year for Valentines Day. I gave my wife a very expensive pair of Diamond Earrings. Well, she lost one of them. How do I know? Because I found it. I ve kept it for months to see if she would come to me about it, but she hasn t said anything. Um, I feel like she didn t even care about it and now I m thinking of not getting her anything this year for Valentines! Bad move?
Here s what the 432 had to say about?
Sabrina H Tucker
Even as an adult one should know to take care of things even if valuable or not . get her some flowers they dry up an less work ..♀️ for her but to throw out
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - I caught my man doing HONEY DO s for the lady at work. I drove up at his works parking lot and there he was putting a box in her car. When I asked him what he was doing he said Oh just helping her out. She s always asking me to do things. Just helping and being a gentlemen. Um, I told him to CHILL on doing chores for her and he thinks I m being RUDE for asking him to stop. Wow??
Here s what the 432 Had To Say About It!
Sammy Castaneda
Man, it should not be a big deal to help people out. Don’t care who it is. If there is ill intentions then that’s a problem. But if folks can’t respect their own relationship while helping others then they don’t need to do it. Our society is backwards … See More
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - Is this JACKED up or what? My GIRL wants me to MANSCAPE becuz her EX use to I m somewhat Hairy BUT NOTHING CRAZY.. She said she threw in her EX becuz she wanted to let me know that she has asked this of all the guys she has dated. I think that s messed up! Agree?
Here is what the 432 AD TO SAY ON OUR FACEBOOK?
Mike Cruz · Reply · · 2m
Ricky Barrientes
I mean, I was kind of digging the D in a box look on myself, but I don t have places to run around with a suit on, so I d rather look like I live in a box.
· Reply · · 19h
Kimberly Martinez
How much is the pay? I’ll go work for you and I’m a awesome people person and always smiling. ♀️ · Reply · · 20h
Josieandramon Bustos
Just draw a happy face on her face shield. It does make a difference when you walk in and someone is happy it makes my day. But seriously talk with her it is her job to be inviting to people and the face of your company. You have to decide what that … See More · Reply · · 20h
Sally Urquidi · Reply · · 21h
Robin Arthur Aguirre
Your the one who hired her so you need to step into these conversations with people. Tell her that she’s doing a great job but as a receptionist she’s the first impression that people get when entering. Encourage her. But at the end of the day you need… See More