Should I Propose To My Girlfriend Via ZOOM This Valentines Day?
Published: February 11, 2021
A young woman is sitting on the floor and is working on a laptop. She is smiling excitedly at the camera. Vertically framed shot.
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - Hey guys, Should I PROPOSE to my girlfriend VIA ZOOM this Sunday? We were suppose to MEET Up and I was going to do it in person, but due to circumstances we can t. I asked a couple of lady friends and they think it s better if I do it in person. Ladies, if you had a choice, would you want a Valentines Day ZOOM proposal or one in person on another day? Guys, would you do this?
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - The first 4 months of us going out me and my MAN facetimed all the time. Well, lately he s ignoring or not answering my facetime more often. I love to facetime and I thought he did too. But, now he s not doing as much anymore. He says if he doesn t answer he s busy. So he just text me I m busy . Just wondering why the change????
Here is what the 432 had to say about it..
Tessa Rowell
Vanessa C. Narvaiz
Clingy much?? It’s gets old after awhile, not to mention that person may not always have the free time to just answer.
· Reply · · 1h
Junior-Joanne Gibson
Ask him if he knows that guy and why would one of his friends send you flowers. · Reply · · 53m
Gracie Mendoza Ramirez
Wtf he’s acting like he wants a fight and to blame you and to have you leave him or him leave you · Reply · · 49m
Darren Tryon · Reply · · 1h
Clarissa L Hernandez
It’S.A. Test. I’d chunk them and tell him in a non-chalant way. I would say: some guy named sent me flowers but I threw them away.
You don’t want to have a Jenny Rivera moment when you bring them home lmao