Egotism is annoying, but excessive modesty can be problematic too.
I like essays, and their less prestigious cousins, columns, as literary forms. (Blog posts are a still more junior relative.) One of my early heroes and models was a fellow named Owen Edwards, who wrote a regular column for
American Photographer magazine (he was its exhibition critic. The magazine s name was later changed to
American Photographer magazine does not have a Wikipedia page.
Neither does Owen Edwards, so I really know very little about him.including whether the Owen Edwards bylines I keep running across here and there all belong to the same person. Here s one, for instance, from
Contributed by
Bruce Hedge
Wow.a huge new area of photography has developed (ouch!) in only about eight years. I ve had a business doing aerial photography in Central Victoria, Australia, since the mid 1980s. The main platform was a Cessna 172 from the local Aero Club, flown by an exceptionally skilled pilot.
I looked at helium balloons as a platform, but they were not practical in any sort of wind, and had all sorts of other complications, so I gave that a pass. For some jobs, I jumped in a Bell Jet Ranger helicopter, but the cost per hour and the float fee generally prohibited that option. Roll on 2013, and the first DJI Phantom came on the market. I immediately saw the potential to use it as an aerial photography tool, but it did not have a camera attached. After a bit of research, I settled on the Nikon J1 camera with 10mm (28mm equivalent) lens. It had the required quality sensor, weighed only 300 grams, and, most importantly, could be set to take a photo every five seconds.
I got to see a drone the other day, finally. A local friend, Pam, just got her realtor s license, and she bought one. Fortunately for her, her seven-year-old grandson was visiting a few days earlier when it arrived, so she.
The only meeting between Martin Luther King Jr.
and Malcolm X was incidental and brief.
Photo by Marion S. Trikosko.
I m sorry to let MLK Day go by on Monday without comment. Especially since Dr. King himself said, In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. Given the events of 2020 this is not a time for silence.
I tried to find a picture I could use and kept coming up short, and then I found a picture of the funeral that arrested my attention, but I got dead-ended trying to research it. One rabbit hole after another. It happens sometimes.
I told my niece yesterday that the problem with my life during the pandemic is that every day is pretty much like every other day. Then I reflected that most of the excitement in the world is the wrong kind.