July 23, 2021
Fun, games and more summer activity at Cranbrook Arts
Leaders and children have been having fun visiting local parks, playing games all while having an eye on creativity during their time in 1401.
There have been leaf drawings, fairy gardens, Bob Ross inspired paintings, ‘Up House’ drawings, clay animals and more during the first three weeks of July’s Summer Camps at 1401 Kootenay St.
The week-long camps continue through August and upcoming themes include the magical and mysterious, three-dimensional work and more.
Each week is not exclusive to the theme as the kids have fun exploring their own ideas and spend time outdoors every day.
December 18, 2020
Cranbrook Arts reveals mural at 1401 Art Space
Cranbrook Arts is pleased to announce the completion of the mural project at its new building, located at 1401 5th Street N.
The mural, painted by artists LaVerna Peters and Yvonne Vigne, is now proudly displayed on the front of the building, facing Kootenay Street.
The mural is a whopping 10 feet by 38 feet in size, and is painted on MDO board.
Vigne explained that the concept depicts an artist painting the colourful perception of her hometown with its older history, new charm and beautiful countryside.
Cranbrook Arts invites you to take a stroll down 5th Avenue and view the mural at your leisure.