Ponemon Study: IT Pros Prefer Best-of-Breed for Security and Networking vs. Single Vendor Solutions
Survey asks how IT teams manage and provision effective security solutions that work seamlessly with their network, specifically within SASE and Zero Trust architectures. iStock
By: Larry Lunetta, Vice President of Portfolio Solutions Marketing at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
As IT pros continue on their journey to cloud, at the forefront of their collective minds is how they secure an increasingly complex IT environment where sensitive data is generated and processed at points between the edge, data centers, and the cloud. In fact, organizations today are migrating from large and centralized data centers to more diffused centers of data.
For the best results, AI and human support must work together whenever they are needed. iStock
: Larry Lunetta, Vice President of Portfolio Solutions Marketing at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
Are bots all you need? The world is in a lather about how AI will replace all things human, including network support. While AI can be very helpful in eliminating mundane, tedious tasks of data gathering and triage and even some simple network troubleshooting, it is not a substitute for personal and bespoke support services. Even with state-of-the-art data science, solely relying on AI bots for Tier 1 and Tier 2 support will often lead to endless phone trees, long lead times, wasted time and effort, unsolved issues, and worst of all–disgruntled, unsatisfied customers, employees, and partners.