Police Chief Keith Humphrey’s leadership included conflicting remarks about the crime rate in Little Rock.
Up or down? Humphrey himself has said homicides have increased, but he’s said the increase is in line with national experience. He also attributed it to the pandemic, a combination of difficult economic times and people restricted in movement.
There were also complaints from directors about continuing “caravanning” in the city, an action explained by
City Director Doris Wright, a Humphrey defender, as a byproduct of young people unable to go to places they normally frequent. (No private business is closed by city or state rule, though after-hours clubs have an 11 p.m. closing time and city facilities are limited.)
Little Rock City Board to finish year with a budget vote, more.
Little Rock City Board to finish year with a budget vote, more on the police chief and announcement of free city WiFi Little Rock City Hall
Little Rock city government Tuesday.
An announcement is planned at 1 p.m. with details about the city’s plan to provide free WiFi in several parks and community centers. It’s an initiative aimed at addressing the increased reliance on Internet use by school children during the pandemic.
Then comes a special called meeting of the City Board at 4 p.m. Items include a vote on the 2021 budget, the action that wasn’t completed at the last board meeting when events grew contentious over