But it was beautiful anyway.
I felt honored to be asked to write about the wedding in this column, which was published Feb. 21.
But what I didn’t know then was that on the day the column was published, Rudy almost died.
“They told me he wasn’t going to make it,” Deborah said. “They were taking him to the ICU and I wouldn’t see him alive again.”
Hospital workers let her FaceTime with him as they wheeled him to the ICU, ostensibly to say her goodbyes.
She wasn’t ready for that.
Doctors gave them three options: Put him on a ventilator, put him in hospice or keep fighting.
At last check, one online job bank had 1,891 jobs posted in Tyler that pay more than $55,000 per year, and 676 of them were listed at more than six figures. Use these keywords on your resume so you can land them!
COVID-19 by the numbers New Mexico health officials yesterday reported 237 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the statewide total so far to 183,023, with the health department designating 134,105 of those cases as recovered. Bernalillo County had 79 cases, followed by Doña Ana County with 48 and Sandoval County with 15. Santa Fe County had eight new cases. The state also announced 11 additional deaths, including a woman in her 80s from Santa Fe County. There have now been 3,635 fatalities statewide. As of yesterday, 247 people were hospitalized with COVID-19. You can read all of SFR s COVID-19 coverage here. If you ve had experiences with COVID-19, we would like to hear from you.