Miercuri, 11 August 2021 - Ultima ora: Tinerii suceveni cu varsta cuprinsa intre 15-25 de ani se pot inscrie pana duminica, 15 august 2021, la Scoala de vara BucoviMEA, o tabara organizata de Asociatia Hope 4 Humanity, cu sprijinul Consiliului Judetean Suceava. Tinerii sunt incurajati sa descopere satele bucovinene in adevarata lor esenta si sa aiba contact direct cu fauritorii traditiei, urmand ca apoi sa devina ambasadori ai regiunii.
The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) has issued an order to show cause to two barangay officials in Quezon City over reports that they required vaccination card in issuing quarantine pass.
Sâmbătă, 26 Iunie 2021 - In perioada vacantei de vara, Muzeul National al Bucovinei invita copiii sa participe la Atelierul de educatie muzeala Magia plantelor, care se va desfasura la Muzeul de Stiintele Naturii, de luni pana vineri, intre orele 10-12.
While excitement about New York's newly budding recreational cannabis industry has never been more palpable, it’s also just the beginning for the regulatory and licensing framework that will be overseen by the newly created Office of Cannabis Management. For eager consumers and prospective cannabis entrepreneurs alike, there’s still several major regulatory hurdles left to clear. Among them is the power the new law gives municipalities to “opt-out” of hosting retail dispensaries and public consumption facilities within their borders. Here's a primer on the opt-out rule and how you can get involved in your town's decision.