Mystery surrounds the death of an Upper Clatford woman who “lied” about having cancer before passing away. Yong Nui Shield, known as Nui, passed away on October 19 2019 at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester after being admitted on October 17 following a vomiting episode at home. She claimed to family members that she had liver cancer, but later admitted she had “made it up”. The 61-year-old was found to have swallowed a significant amount of gout medication and wine to create the symptoms, and though she recovered on the ward, she had taken a fatal dose of the medication, and suffered a cardiac arrest before passing away.
A MULTI-MILLION pound project to move Andover Health Centre to a brand new, purpose built wing on the site of Andover War Memorial Hospital has begun. The new GP surgery building will allow patients of the centre to have quick access to hospital services such as X-Rays and phlebotomy (taking blood) when required, while giving the building a modern setting for its 14,000 registered patients. An NHS community specialist care dental service will also be on site. Dr Rosemary Griffiths, senior partner at Andover Health Centre said: “ The Andover Health Centre team is delighted to see work begin on our new Health Centre.