Getting connected I like the fact that poor broadband connectivity has made rural people in Morayshire (see page 4) stage a very public protest. But, they should know that they are not alone! Even our office staff, dialling in from various locations, from Crieff, in Perthshire, to Ruthwell, in Dumfries-shire, have encountered difficulties. However, I can report that a pal of The Raider is in charge of changing all that – albeit at a slower pace than, I guess, he would like. Rod McFarlane is now a crofter on Islay, but has a remit to further connectivity throughout Scotland. Working from home has, perhaps, highlighted the shortcomings for many more people (like me), but I do wonder why, every night after six o clock in the evening the broadband drops to hee-haw? Hopefully, it s everyone dipping in to The Scottish Farmer s website at www/ to see what s happening!