Nourn moved from Cambodia to the US as a child, and ended up in an abusive relationship that led to a man’s murder. After years in prison, she is now a powerful voice for those who face incarceration and deportation
Last One - Someone asked about some Bama history a few days ago - Appendix E By weathermann58 on Feb 28, 2021, 10:15am CST +
Someone asked about some Bama history a few days ago – Appendix E Timeline of Events
This is a brief on how Alabama fell from grace in the general timeframe of the 1992 Championship thru Coach Fran with some earlier history thrown in for reference. It sheds light (true or false – that is up to the individual) on what happened to bring down the Tide and who all was involved. It definitely helps explain the animosity toward Phil Fulmer. I didn’t write any of the brief and don’t personally know anyone mentioned or attributed. I am not responsible for any typo, spelling, formatting, or whitespace errors. Nor am I responsible for any judgment errors, innuendo, false allegations, heresy, rumor mongering, slander, defamation, or character assassination. I just happened to cut and paste it from a Bama message forum (and I don’t remember whi
( With the advent of a New Year, several people will have resolutions in mind, like to lose weight and to quit smoking or eating chocolate. While some have the determination to succeed, most stumble at the first or second hurdle. However, what if you need to reassess your life completely?
London is a busy and crowded city, yet it can be one of the loneliest places on earth at times. To keep pace with the fast-moving city life and the growing challenges, a life coach can come as a godsend for those looking forward to moving ahead in the New Year and doing something better.
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Stand in line, NHL
Gary Bettman is trying to pull a fast one on us, so stay awake, everyone. He cleverly started with his Plan B, by floating the absurd suggestion that NHL players should all be vaccinated before a new NHL season.
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After the predictable backlash, he implemented his Plan A. Now he has stated the NHL would take only “excess” vaccines after health-care workers and vulnerable citizens were done.
We are supposed to think, “that seems fair.” But there won’t be any “excess” vaccines until eight billion people on Earth are done.