County Council Shares Ideas For Downtown Areas
From top left: Los Alamos County Council Chair Randall Ryti, Council Vice Chair James Robinson and Councilors Sara Scott and David Izraelevitz. From bottom left, Councilors David Reagor, Denise Derkacs and Sean Williams. Courtesy/LAC
The Los Alamos County Council passed on purchasing the CB Fox and Reel Deal Theatre properties but the goal to revitalize the downtowns in Los Alamos and White Rock is not abandoned.
The councilors shared with the Los Alamos Daily Post a variety of ideas for the path the County should take to get more housing and businesses in these downtowns areas.
Letter To The Editor: In Response To Scott & Izraelevitz
White Rock
It is ludicrous and shortsighted to consider encumbering the Los Alamos County taxpayers with the ownership of the Reel Deal Theater, and the former CB Fox Building.
There are only two beneficiaries of this arrangement … the present owners.
The cost of gentrifying these two properties will be exorbitant compared to the return on investment. What becomes of an aging theater? A fine arts center for a population of some 18,000? We already have auditoriums. CB Fox might be transformed into 8-10 apartments and a few shops. How many decades will that experiment take to become flush?
Two Los Alamos County Councilors, David Reagor and Sean Williams, have been very open in their opposition to a purchase agreement approved by Los Alamos County Council in December before the two new councilors took their seats. The purchase agreement is for two properties on Central Avenue – the CB Fox building and the Reel Deal Theater – for $4 million and the County is close to the end of a 90 day due diligence period as part of the agreement.
Councilor Reagor asked during a presentation by staff for a recent Council meeting, what the County adds to this whole thing.
Letter To The Editor: Renovation Of Downtown Los Alamos
Los Alamos
After reading the latest edition of the Los Alamos Daily Post (link) regarding the Council Session with suggestions for the use of the Reel Deal Theater, I was appalled by the suggestion that the Theater be made into a storage unit!
The last thing this town needs is a storage unit right adjacent to our library, Demo Garden and beautiful Ashley Pond!
We need attractions for our community residence, as well as vacationers, in our little gem of a city nestled next to the Jemez Mountains. I am suggesting that we renovate the Theater into a Hands-On Children’s Museum similar to the one in Santa Fe. The possibilities for what can be incorporated inside the Theater for enjoyment as well as educational for our youth and adults are endless.
Los Alamos County Council Green Lights Entering Due Diligence Period On CB Fox And Reel Deal Buildings - 7:50 am
County enters due diligence period for possible purchase of CB Fox Building. Photo by John McHale/
County enters due diligence period for possible purchase of Reel Deal Bldg. Photo by Carol A. Clark/
Los Alamos County owning two properties that formerly held beloved local businesses, CB Fox and Reel Deal Theater, inched closer to reality Tuesday night.
During its regular meeting, Los Alamos County Council approved 6-1, Councilor Katrina Martin was opposed, to enter into a purchase agreement with the current owners of the properties, which is Tigard Pacific RE, LLC and Trinity Los Alamos, LLC. Both are limited liability companies based in Colorado.