City sewer inspections, work begin on Tuesday
Oak Ridge Public Works is reminding residents of sewer work and inspections.
Beginning Tuesday, May 25, crews will be working on the sewer system in the following areas: Ogden Circle, Outer Drive, Oak Lane, Delaware Avenue, Dixie Lane, Delmar Circle, Dewey Road, Ditman Lane, Decatur Road, Darwin Lane, West and East Dalton Road, California Avenue, Cahill Lane, Carlisle Lane, Cedar Lane, Alder Lane, East Drive, Oak Ridge Turnpike between Dresden Road and Belgrade Road, West Arrowwood and Aspen Lane.
Work will take about two months to complete. They will be checking for blockages with a Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT) which operates with acoustic sound.
Road partially closed for asphalt repairs
Special to The Oak Ridger
Oak Ridge Public Works crews want drivers to be aware of intermittent lane closures set for today on East Division Road between the entrance to Zaxby’s and the intersection with Oak Ridge Turnpike.
Crews will be conducting asphalt replacement work and will need to close north and southbound lanes of East Division Road, meaning drivers will not be able to turn onto or out of East Division Road onto the Turnpike. Drivers attempting to access Zaxby’s restaurant will need to enter from Oak Ridge Turnpike.
This work was set to have started Wednesday and continue today, weather-permitting, from 8 a.m. until about 4 p.m.
How a company tracks virus in OR, US
Duane Graves, a senior scientist for Geosyntec Consultants, has been on the brink of innovation when it s most needed his whole career. He served as a lead civilian scientist for the U.S. Postal Service during the anthrax letter attacks in 2001, and now he s helping communities across the country track COVID-19.
GeoSyntec, an environmental engineering and science company in Knoxville, has done molecular testing of microorganisms in the environment for more than 20 years. When the coronavirus came to the U.S., Graves saw Geosyntec s ability to adapt its technology, which is now being applied in Oak Ridge and other cities.