You see what I mean? You see why the football authorities can’t be allowed to run the sport on their own anymore?
As you are well aware, just a few weeks ago football faced an existential crisis thanks to the ugly, sporting abomination that was the European Super League.
Yet UEFA, the organisation whose reason for being was most threatened by this breakaway, has proved clueless and toothless when it comes to dealing with a blatant rebellion.
They had many options open to them by way of punishing the clubs involved but suspension from their competitions for a decent period of time was the one that would have sent the clearest message.
Launch of athletes grant on first anniversary of death of volleyball stalwart Jonathan Chetcuti
On the first anniversary of the death of volleyball stalwart Jonathan Chetcuti at 41, his loved ones have launched a grant for elite athletes that aims to pass on his passion for sports – and life in general.
Dubbed the Jonathan Chetcuti Program, the sponsorship project is the brainchild of his wife Elaine Bonello and business partner and close buddy Jonathan Dalli, who immediately knew, in that time of immense pain, that they wanted to carry on the popular man’s legacy.
Overwhelmed by emotions at the loss of someone so pivotal in both their lives, they took a backseat to settle into their new reality until a childhood friend of Chetcuti’s, Gege Gatt, stepped in to organise their thoughts.