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Groundfloor offers real estate debt investments to non-accredited, accredited, and non-US investors.
Investors won t have to pay any fees, but you ll need at least $10 to get started.
Groundfloor is best for passive investors looking to profit from short-term, high-yield private real estate debt investments.
Is Groundfloor right for you?
Groundfloor says it s the first real estate investment platform to offer SEC-qualified (under SEC regulation A+) real estate note investments. It serves non-accredited, non-US, and accredited investors (accredited investors are individuals with a minimum net worth of $1 million or annual salary above $200,000). The company also notes that it was built on the belief that there s a smarter way to capitalize the US by opening private capital markets to individual investors.
Nvstr offers trading, automated tools, and a community-like interface that connects you with experts.
The app has a $0 minimum and a $4.99 monthly subscription fee that includes up to 25 free trades.
Its portfolio optimizer creates investment allocations that match your goals and risk tolerance.
Is Nvstr right for you?
Nvstr is a hybrid online brokerage/automated investing app that prides itself on the idea that none of us is smarter than all of us. It combines a social media-like interface with its offering of individual brokerage accounts, margin accounts, and simulated trading accounts that allow new investors to try out the app without taking on any real risk.
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Inspired by the White Ribbon Campaign to end gender-based violence, the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable is presenting a virtual event examining the need to talk and teach about healthy manhood at an early age.
Presented by the Roundtable s White Ribbon Group, A Call to Families: Discussing Healthy Masculinity with Young People, will take place on Zoom on Tuesday, March 9 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
The guest keynote speaker will be Rickie Houston, director of training for A Call to Men, an organization that works to transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood and offering trainings and educational resources.
Houston s work has included training with professional athletes and engaging men in the effort to end violence against women in West Africa. He is pastor of a church in North Carolina.
What happens to your investments after you die?
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