‘U draagt bij tot de normalisering van extreemrechts.’ Academici van diverse universiteiten en middenveldorganisaties gebruiken geen kleine woorden om hun.
Research lobbies lock horns with science publishers over open access 25 May 2021 | News
Universities and research institutes urge science publishers to stop imposing embargoes on manuscripts funded by agencies that make open access a condition of public grants
Rik Van de Walle, president of CESAER. Photo: Ghent University
Nearly 900 universities, research organisations, and funding agencies want science publishers to be more transparent and abide by open access rules, after scientists complained their submissions are rejected if they apply a public copyright licence to accepted manuscripts.
In a joint statement published today, research-performing and research-funding organisations represented by the European University Association, Science Europe and CESAER, call on all publishers to stop requiring researchers to sign over their rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes.
The exhibition, called “Purity on Its Knees”, features works from Jan Fabre’s –what the gallery calls– “significant” series “Tribute to Belgian Congo”. This is the first solo exhibition of the artist in Pilevneli Gallery in Istanbul. Turkish art lovers may remember him from his solo theatre/ dance production “Angel of Death”, in 2006 within the scope of the 15th Istanbul International Theater Festival, organised by Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV).
According to the information provided by the gallery by scanning a QR code, the organic and animal origin materials, namely skeletons of small animals, stuffed birds or wing cases of jewel beetles were all acquired after a natural death. The wing cases of the jewel beetles especially are used in vast quantities, lending an eerie iridescence to the large-scale artworks.