Around half of the 40 candidates announced in the Congress first list for the Assam Assembly polls are fresh faces, while 15 per cent of them are women and five per cent Muslim nominees. The main opposition party late on Saturday night released the first list of 40 candidates for the 47 Assembly constituencies that are going to the polls in Assam in the first phase on March 27. According to the list, announced by Congress Central Election Committee in-charge and party General Secretary Mukul Wasnik, six women - Sibamoni Bora (Batadroba), Roselina Tirkey (Serupathar), Bismita Gogoi (Khumtai), Pallabi Gogoi (Teok), Angkita Dutta (Amguri) and Pranatee Phukan (Naharkatia) and two Muslim candidates - Mohammad Nurul Huda (Rupohihat) and Rakibul Hussain (Samaguri) - were given party tickets.
The Congress will allot no seats to its six partners of the Grand Alliance in any of the 47 seats that are going to polls in the first phase in Assam, a party source said on Sunday. The opposition party and other constituents of the grouping are yet to officially announce their seat-sharing arrangements. The Congress on Saturday night issued the first list of 40 candidates for the first phase of polling on March 27, for which the last date of nomination is on Tuesday. A Congress source told PTI that the second list will be out late on Sunday night and it will consist of names of candidates for the seven remaining constituencies that are going to polls in the first phase.
Guwahati (Assam) [India], March 8 (ANI): Congress on Sunday released a list of three more candidates for the first phase of the upcoming Assam Assembly elections. Congress leader Bhaskar Jyoti Baruah will contest from Titabar, Bharat Ch Narah from Naoboicha and Padma Lochan Doley from Dhakuakhana.
Guwahati (Assam) [India], March 7 (ANI): The Congress on Saturday released its first list of 40 candidates for the upcoming three-phase election for the 126-member Assam Assembly.