April 24, 2018 In your new book, “Faith: A Journey for All,” you write that despite believing you had only weeks to live following a cancer diagnosis in 2015, you had no fear of dying. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes. I m perfectly willing to leave it up to God. I didn t have anything to do with when I was born or who myÃÂ .
Bending wood with hot water
Russ Filbeck doesn t use a steambox when bending wood for his ladderback chairs. Instead he uses a copper tray made by noted Shaker box maker John Wilson.
Russ Filbeck doesn’t use a steambox when bending wood for his ladderback chairs. Instead he uses a copper tray made by noted Shaker box maker John Wilson. Russ simply fills the copper tray with water and puts it on a hot plate. Steam and boiling water are both 212° at sea level so it doesn’t matter whether the wood is in boiling water or steam. For larger jobs, where he’s steaming multiple legs at a time, Russ does use an 8-in.-diameter plastic pipe as a steambox.
Online extras from FWW issue #287
Turn the wine-bottle post
Hand-cut dovetails to attach the legs to the post
Add a beautiful hand-rubbed finish with oil and varnish
Step inside Clark Kellogg’s brain as we hit him with seven top secret questions. You’re going to enjoy this journey.
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