The pandemic road travelled led to an unusual highway February 9, 2021, 4:13 PM IST
I m Rachit Shah (pseudonym identity for writing articles to create awareness) was diagnosed with Isaac Syndrome in 2016 residing in Mumbai, India. Master s in business management with over 13 years of Investment Banking experience (had to quit because of my condition), fond of long distance running (for sure will get back soon) with leisure interests like playing table tennis (a drug free therapy) & volunteering projects (extending help to create a difference). My earlier articles are a compilation of experiences, inspiring patients dealing with Rare Health Conditions. LESS. MORE
Memories are our return-ticket to moving time, otherwise lost. Generally, a road-trip is considered a synonym to stress-buster that gives an adrenalin rush reflecting an adventurous experience but………
Now I know why caged birds sing January 24, 2021, 2:30 PM IST
I m Rachit Shah (pseudonym identity for writing articles to create awareness) was diagnosed with Isaac Syndrome in 2016 residing in Mumbai, India. Master s in business management with over 13 years of Investment Banking experience (had to quit because of my condition), fond of long distance running (for sure will get back soon) with leisure interests like playing table tennis (a drug free therapy) & volunteering projects (extending help to create a difference). My earlier articles are a compilation of experiences, inspiring patients dealing with Rare Health Conditions. LESS. MORE
(“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe)
A coffee conversation with my rare ailment January 18, 2021, 3:34 PM IST
I m Rachit Shah (pseudonym identity for writing articles to create awareness) was diagnosed with Isaac Syndrome in 2016 residing in Mumbai, India. Master s in business management with over 13 years of Investment Banking experience (had to quit because of my condition), fond of long distance running (for sure will get back soon) with leisure interests like playing table tennis (a drug free therapy) & volunteering projects (extending help to create a difference). My earlier articles are a compilation of experiences, inspiring patients dealing with Rare Health Conditions. LESS. MORE
A Rare Ailment (RA) is identified, that affects fewer people across a broad range of possible disorders. Can You ever imagine (RA) to be a real person in flesh and blood ? Sounds weird isn’t it ?? But I lived this fact in a bizarre dream for an entire night. The winter months aren’t that pleasant for neurologic