A light earthquake with magnitude 4.1 (ml/mb) was reported 55 kilometers (34 miles) from Intipucá in El Salvador on Saturday. Exact location, longitude -87.975° West, latitude 12.7017° North, depth = 53.34 km. The temblor was reported at 17:23:43 / 5:23 pm (local time epicenter). Exact time and date of event in UTC/GMT: 12/12/20 / 2020-12-12 17:23:43 / December 12, 2020 @ 5:23 pm. The epicenter was at a depth of 53.34 km (33 miles). Id of earthquake: us7000cqls. Event ids that are associated: us7000cqls. A tsunami warning has not been issued (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist).
Nearest city/cities or towns, with min 5000 pop, to epicentrum/hypocenter was Corinto, San Miguel, Puerto El Triunfo. Earthquake epicenter was 90 km (56 miles) from San Miguel (c. 161 900 pop), 88 km (55 miles) from El Viejo (c. 53 500 pop), 89 km (55 miles) from Usulután (c. 51 900 pop), 72 km (45 miles) from La Unión (c. 26 800 pop), 90 km (56 miles) from Corinto (c. 19 200 po