Getting There: Danielwood Drive paving
Crews work on paving a 1.7-mile portion of Old Niskayuna Road with a new environmentally sound warm mix technology in Colonie in 2009. (Michael P. Farrell / Times Union )MICHAEL P. FARRELL
With all the repaving work being done in the town of Colonie lately, I was wondering if you could find out if there are any plans to repave Danielwood Drive, particularly as it starts from Albany Shaker Road and also as it curves around to the right, to meet Pheasant Ridge Drive.
I drive along that section of Danielwood frequently, and it is the worst pavement I encounter on my typical drives. A friend likens it to bombed-out downtown Mogadishu, although I am certain he s never actually been there. Me, I merely notice that the patches have their own patches on that stretch of (so-called) pavement.