Nach seinem Album „Blonde“ war es still um Frank Ocean. Jetzt ist er zurück mit einer eigenen Luxusfirma. Berlin feiert die Eröffnung der Neuen Nationalgalerie mit einer Hommage an Mies van der Rohe – und Videospiel-Fans dürfen sich über eine „Pac Man“-Uhr freuen. Die Stil-News der Woche.
A new hunt for D.B. Cooper clues, video of a moose charging a hiker, and a teenager in Australia who forced a wallaby to smoke an e-cigarette are among the strange and unusual stories to cross our desk this week.
Fred has degenerated into a tropical wave but could regain tropical storm strength moving through the Gulf over the weekend. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Grace continued to move quickly across the tropical Atlantic.
A powerful Tropical Storm Gordon struck on the US Gulf Coast on late Tuesday, killing one person and leaving over 20,000 residents without power supply in west Alabama-Mississippi border, said the sources.