The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has received Rs 15.82 billion against the second installment of License Renewal Fee from two Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs); Telenor Pakistan and Pakistan Mobile Communication Limited (Jazz).
27th May 2021
Delegate speakers at the online held ESPO Conference Regatta which was hosted by three ports: the Port of Valencia, Spain, North Sea Port (Ghent) in Belgium and the Port of Oslo, Norway.
Credit: EU Secretariet-twitter
In the upcoming review of TEN-T guidelines, they has been one of the central topics during the first two days of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) Conference Regatta 2021.
European Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean, Motorways of the Sea Coordinator Prof. Kurt Bodewig, Members of the European Parliament and port representatives presented and discussed their views and expectations of the upcoming review of Europe’s transport infrastructure policy.
Debate on safety of new GMOs moves to Council
LATEST VIDEOS Debate on safety of new GMOs moves to Council Details
Ministers to discuss controversial agbiotech industry-friendly Commission report which fails to follow European Court of Justice ruling
European agriculture ministers will discuss the future of a new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), starting tomorrow. These key discussions are the lead-up to a decision on whether or not new GMOs should be subject to safety checks or labelling before being allowed on the EU market.
On the agenda of tomorrow’s agriculture council is a study released by the European Commission in April which suggests that there are strong indications that the current 2001 GMO legislation is not fit for purpose for some NGTs [ new genomic techniques ] and their products , and proposes a new consultation process to rewrite the laws.[1]