Oswald Neptune’s troop of workers hits the streets of Mattapan and Hyde Park every weekday, pairing off for door-to-door canvassing along predetermined routes and visibility standouts in Mattapan Square and inside Mattapan Station, areas with heavy foot traffic and a substantial Haitian population.
Chris Van Buskirk
State House News Service
The vaccination distribution phase the state finds itself in as summer kicks off is almost like managing a political campaign, the state s top health official said Monday. I think of this phase of vaccine distribution as being hyper-focused, hyper local, a ground game, Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders said at a virtual forum. Think of it almost as like a political campaign but instead of political canvassing, we re vaccine canvassing.
Case numbers for COVID-19 are at a low not seen since the summer of 2020, the percentage of Massachusetts residents fully vaccinated is steadily climbing, and the state has officially rescinded nearly all of the restrictions put in place to help mitigate the pandemic.
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06/01/2021 07:20 AM EDT
SCOOPLET: NEVER TOO EARLY FOR OPPO A go-to opposition research firm for Republicans has been gathering intel on Democrat Danielle Allen, even though the Harvard professor has yet to make up her mind about a 2022 gubernatorial bid.
UpdatedThu, May 27, 2021 at 11:28 pm ET
Social distancing requirements in school will be a thing of the past in the fall. (Emily Leayman/Patch)
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Good morning, Boston! Today is Friday, May 28. We re talking a path to termination, a top resignation and an almost full house.
Programming note: The HUB is taking the long weekend off. We ll be back Tuesday morning. Sign up for a free subscription to get us in your inbox every weekday.
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