Bricks nearing installation at Allen House
Troy A. Bruzewski,
June 13, 2021
The engraver is about to hit the bricks.
After months of selling commemorative bricks to be placed near the Allen House as a fundraiser, the Bad Axe Historical Society is starting the next stage of this project to help fund maintenance of the museum. While sales of the bricks will continue for the foreseeable weeks, total sales to this point have risen from several dozen in the winter to several hundred at the end of spring.
“To date we have 305 bricks purchased and everything is pulling together,” said Ken Gouza, president of the historical society. “We’re getting very close and anticipating moving forward in the next couple weeks.”
Bad Axe Historical Society selling engraved bricks
Fundraiser will feature names of donators, bricks to be lain on sidewalk
Bob Johsnon, a member of the Bad Axe Historical Society, shows off the bricks they have to sale. The bricks will be engraved with the names of the donors and lain in the sidewalk leading to the society s Allen House s front door. (Robert Creenan/Huron Daily Tribune)
BAD AXE The Bad Axe Historical Society is looking to replace a brick path to its Allen House building in the spring and is asking for community help in making that happen.
The society is selling engraved bricks to line up the path from Port Crescent Avenue to the front porch of the Allen House, which can contain the names of families, individuals, and businesses to help add to the history of Bad Axe.