Kelly Durr works to improve students who fall behind
Kelly Durr, a math, science, and physical education teacher for Ascent High School in Bad Axe. (Robert Creenan/Huron Daily Tribune)
Kelly Durr might look imposing, but if you ask his students at the Ascent High School in Bad Axe, he might be one of the most fun and understanding teacher you will come across.
Durr has been a teacher with Ascent High School for the past 10 years, teaching subjects like algebra 1 and 2, geometry, physics, physical science and physical education. He graduated from Bad Axe Schools, went to Alma College, then got his first teaching job at the Harbor Beach School District before returning to the Bad Axe School District.
Thumb Office Supply donates to retirees club
Submitted to the Tribune
Accepting a donation check from Josh Tschirhart, Thumb Office Supply (right) is Sue Vaughan, Bad Axe Senior Retiree Club (center) member. Also pictured is Dan Glaza of Bad Axe Senior Retiree Club-President. (Submitted Photo)
BAD AXE - Thumb Office Supply President Josh Tschirhart donated $1,000 to the Bad Axe Senior Retirees Club Dec. 5.
Josh said he is proud to help the seniors in the area during this difficult year. This is one way he can do that.
Josh said he recently worked with the BASRC, Bad Axe Schools, and the Huron County Community Foundation to supply much needed school supplies to the Bad Axe School District.