Kolkatar Harry gets ready to spin a magical yarn The film follows a pool car driver Harinath Patra who works for the primary section of a convent school. The Telegraph | | Published 13.01.21, 02:14 AM
Here’s a film that believes in waving the magic wand to inspire people and spread some joy and happiness. The film
Kolkatar Harry starring Soham, Priyanka Sarkar, Laboni Sarkar, Arindam Ganguly and Oishika Guhathakurata is a modern fairy tale that aims to create a magical world. The film follows a pool car driver Harinath Patra who works for the primary section of a convent school. Being a fan of fairy tales, especially the Harry Potter series, he likes to show magic on the streets of Calcutta. Harinath forms a strong bond, full of magic and stories, with Titli