Treasure Investments Corp & Foundry Michelangelo to Present at the Emerging Growth Conference on March 17, 2021
Treasure Investments Corp. invites individual and institutional investors as well as advisors and analysts to attend its real-time, interactive presentation at the Emerging Growth Conference.
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BATTLE GROUND, Wash., March 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Treasure Investments Corp & Foundry Michelangelo, The Source for the World s Greatest Fine Art Masterpieces, is pleased to announce that it has been invited to present at the Emerging Growth Conference on March 17, 2021. The live Emerging Growth Conference is an interactive online event that will give existing shareholders and the investment community the opportunity to learn about the company and interact with the Company s Founder, Mark Russo.
Cape Coral neighbors want safety measures at cul-de-sac near deadly crashes
Published: March 4, 2021 4:38 PM EST
Memorials in public view serve as a reminder of tragedies a community in Southwest Florida wants to stop. Two different crashes in the same spot happened a year apart, taking the lives of two people.
A new sign sits at the end of a residential roadway warning people it’s a dead end. It comes just a day after a man was found dead in a nearby canal after crashing his motorcycle.
Neighbors want to see more than a sign on a cul-de-sac in south Cape Coral.
Barbie Gooding and Alice Carter with the bags collected. | Photo: Nick Rawsthorne
Over 17 bags and larger items, including discarded children’s toys, have been cleaned up from the streets of the Sincil Bank area of Lincoln.
Around 14 stalwart volunteers from the Sincil Bank RiverCare and Litterpick Group attended the clean up event on Saturday, February 27. They worked in individuals or pairs due to the current coronavirus restrictions
The rubbish was then taken away by Biffa, which the group had previously arranged with the city council.
Volunteers Sarah Firth and Barbie Gooding helping to make Sincil Bank a clean area of the city. | Photo: Nick Rawsthorne
The Canadian government recently listed the Proud Boys and three other far-right organizations as terrorist entities. They also moved to list nine other militant Islamist groups.
For some people, this is a huge win. But others worry it's a sign that the war on terror is continuing to expand, and they're concerned about who might get caught up in its dragnet.
Today, Ben Makuch a national security reporter for Vice, and Michelle Shephard, author of Decade of Fear: Reporting from Terrorism's Grey Zone, wade through the complex ramifications.
A portrait of healthcare campaigner Vicky Phelan has raised just over €58,000 at auction today.
The piece was commissioned by the charity Heroes Aid and all proceeds are going to frontline healthcare workers to assist them during the current pandemic.
The portrait measuring 300cm by 150cm was painted by Tullamore-based artist Vincent Devine.
He said the painting took months to complete and involved bringing Ms Phelan to the beach in Doonbeg in Co Clare to compose the image.
The painting depicts various aspects of her s life from the past to the present and the future.
Mr Devine said: I have tried to covey the tragedies and the joys in her life, all symbolically through the anatomy of her body and in different objects as well.